Logo Standards
There should be 150% of white space around the logo. Nothing should be removed or added to it for any reason.
When using the Croft logo, make sure it is the registered logo. Use of old logos without the registration mark is not permitted.
Black/Color Black is traditionally used for trailers. Color use other than red must be approved through Croft.

Logo Do Nots
Do Not
stretch, skew, or rotate.
Do Not
apply drop shadows or special effects.
Do Not
use unauthorized colors/patterns.
Do Not
contain logo in a shape.
Croft Trailer Supply
The name, Croft Trailer Supply, now uses the typeface Norwester. Legacy versions of the Croft logo use Myriad Pro (example at right). The logo and logo text can be used in Croft Red, black, or white
CYMK - 5, 100, 71, 22
RGB - 184, 18, 55 #B71237
PMS - 187